Is a dyno tune worth it? And what to expect

When it comes to boosting your vehicle’s performance, nothing is more efficient than a dyno tune. Available in different stages, it will provide your car with enhanced performance, better fuel economy, unlocked engine power and improved handling after one process.

One of the very best things about dyno tuning is that you will receive both the ECU and TCU processes designed to exponentially enhance the performance of the engine control unit (ECU) or the TCU (transmission control unit).

So, let’s take a look at both of these incredibly worthwhile processes, as well as the different stages of dyno tuning, and why they are one of the very best things you can do for your car:

ECU tuning

An ECU tune, or “remapping”, is when the vehicle’s ECU is modified to enhance numerous vehicle performance aspects. The remapping involves the tuning expert overwriting the ECU’s existing software with brand new software, thus allowing the car’s owner to reprogram the vehicle’s airflow, fuel injection, sensors, and many more aspects.

Essentially, an ECU tune alters how the engine drives the car, with the driver choosing how they want to put the tune into effect. ECU remapping comes with a range of fantastic benefits, including enhanced speed and power, with some remapping experts saying they have increased horsepower 30-40bhp as well as torque up to 80nm.

What’s more, this process can also make the vehicle’s engine far more responsive, ensuring that the driver can overtake other cars more easily. Finally, an ECU remapping can reduce the number of gear changes required, therefore allowing the driver to handle high-torque situations without dipping down to lower gears.

TCU tuning

Cars that contain automatic transmissions typically have a TCU to control the transmissions’s functionality including torque limitation and gear shifting. The TCU and ECU work alongside each other through sending and receiving data throughout the car’s network system.

Tuning experts typically recommend tuning both the ECU and TCU simultaneously, as this helps fully optimise the vehicle’s drivability and performance whilst ensuring both units continue to work in harmony.

Benefits of a TCU remapping include increased speed, increased torque limiters, increased hydraulic pressure and the ability to change the RPM limiter through modifying the TCU’s software.

The different stages of dyno tuning

There are three distinct dyno tuning stages, each containing their own imperative performance-enhancing aspects.

These include:

Stage 1

Stage one is for standard specification in unmodified vehicles, ensuring increased torque and power whilst improving fuel economy. Drivers typically notice a more responsive drive and reduced acceleration flat spots as well as a reduced need to visit the petrol station!

Stage 2

The stage two process is renowned for increasing torque and power, but many require certain software upgrades to support and supplement the remapping. Drivers will notice a great increase in power and torque, but may not notice as much of an increase in fuel economy.

Stage 3

Stage three is far more involved than the previous two stages, which means you will most definitely require some software upgrades to receive this tuning. Stage three tuning provides head/valvetrain upgrades, extensive fuel system upgrades, forced induction addition, supercharger or turbo upgrades more.

Contact Tuned by Anton today

Tuned by Anton is Melbourne’s ultimate stop for a top class dyno tuning. Whatever stage you would prefer, the Tuned by Anton experts are there to ensure that your vehicle will reach a much higher standard of performance and fuel economy, with our skilled, dedicated and experienced professionals providing the best service in the business.

Call us on (03) 9564 9711 to find out more about our first class service.




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Terms & Conditions

Whereas, Tuned By Anton has developed software calibrations and relative engine control management modifications & desires to grant the customer the right to use for race purposes only. Whereas, Customer wishes to use the above specified under the conditions of this limited warranty. Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth, the parties agree as follows:

Limited Warranty

The limited workmanship warranty is made and effective as dated on the invoice. Between the customer and Tuned By Anton, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the local state or territory of Australia.

Tuned By Anton warrants that:

(a) its software calibrations will perform to an industry standard to the best of efforts for a period of 30 days from the date of invoice.

(b) that the medium on which the software calibration is contained will be free from defects workmanship under race use for a 30 day period. Tuned By Anton is not held responsible for any kind of engine failure. In the event applicable law imposes any implied warranties, the implied warranty period is limited to 30 days from the date of receipt. Some jurisdictions do not allow such limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to customer.

(c) Tuned By Anton is not by any means responsible for any faults from third party products. You may be entitled to have the product repaired or replaced under the terms of a voluntary manufacturer’s warranty. This limited warranty is void if failure of the software calibration has resulted from accident, abuse, obsolescence and defects not related to software (e.g. mechanical defects) and misapplication. Any replacement software calibration will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty days.

No other warranties

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Tuned By Anton and its suppliers disclaim all other warranties, either express or implied, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose, with regard to the software and any related written materials. This limited warranty gives customer specific legal rights customers may have other rights depending on jurisdiction.

No liability for damages

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Tuned By Anton or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatso ever (including without limitation, special, incidental, consequential, or indirect damages for personal injury, loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss, including damages to vehicle mechanical components and accidental damage to the vehicle) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if Tuned By Anton has been advised of the possibility of such damages in any case, Tuned By Anton and its suppliers entire liability under an provision of this agreement shall be limited to the amount actually paid by you for the software calibration. Because some jurisdiction does not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.

Out of warranty cases

Tuned By Anton has the right to check if your warranty valid. If warranty period has lapsed or if any of the exclusions apply, your request will be deemed out of warranty. If your service request is out of warranty, a service charge list with an offer for repair will be provided to you, which you may accept or reject. If you accept the repair we will provide you with an invoice for the repair labor, spare parts and other costs stated in the service charge list. You may pay the invoice within 5 business days of the invoices date of issue. The repair will only be completed after the invoice is settled.


The customer is required to collect their vehicle within 5 business days from completion. Exceeding this period there will be a vehicle storage balance carried forward.

Tech Support

Remote assistance is only available to support current operating systems e.g. windows 10, where remote assistance required; broadband or greater speed internet connectivity will be required. Note: You are responsible for data and time usage on your internet connection during the course of remote assistance. Where a customer is unable or unwilling to follow or understand instructions on the telephone, or where a customer is not being able to comprehend what is being asked of them, the customer will be referred back to workshop to for further assistance.

Third party Service Provider

Some technical support may require that Tuned By Anton access your computer. If Tuned By Anton or a third-party service provider is required in the course of providing all assistance to you, Tuned By Anton or a third-party service provider will not be responsible or liable under any circumstances what so ever for any losses.

Futile Service

A futile service is a term used when progress work on vehicle has been commenced although unsatisfactory due to (but not limited to) for the following reasons of:

(a) vehicle was not prepared for software calibration

(b) the vehicle cannot be accessed

(c) the vehicle contains of mechanical defects or imperfections in which and therefore cannot continue safely.

(d) the vehicle does not meet the industry standard in relation to mechanical modifications

(e) the vehicle does not have operational safety functions and there is a risk of personnel health and safety.

A futile service fee will be applied to a customer in circumstances where Tuned By Anton cannot complete a
service due to such inconveniences.

All calibrations remain the intellectual property of Tuned by Anton and appropriate measures of protection are mandatory.

It is factual that all performance enhancements introduce additional stress to many components of any vehicle therefore the vehicle owner must accept that it is most likely for failures to occur with any process or procedure to optimise for engine performance. Tuned by Anton therefore ADVISES not to proceed in the event you do not wish to encounter to instigate vehicle failures

In witness where of, the parties have executed this agreement on the dates set forth first above, with full knowledge of its content and significance and intending to be legally bound the by the terms hereof.